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Showing posts from April, 2017

Best Alarm App for out there on play store

Alarmy   It's the best app I have seen on the play store lately to wake up . Most of us, have habit to turn of our alarms again and again , Sometimes we keep 5-7 alarms but still cannot make it up on time , To solve this issue , ALARMY was introduced . So what all it does to wake you up !!!! Take a Picture Move to a specific location. You set it up by registering a photo of an area or room in your house. Then once the alarm is set, the only way to make it stop ringing is to get out of bed and go take a photo of the registered area. Shake Physically exert yourself. Shake off all your sleep with this Shake Mode! Shake your phone until you reach your preset goal to dismiss Shake Mode alarms. Your body could use some exercise in the mornings! Solve a Math Problem Wake up your brain, as well as your body. Solve some math to stop your alarm! Don't underestimate seemingly easy math problems: (61 X 8) + 12 ...

Rebooting to recovery mode on any device with windows 10 installed on it

Step by step procedure to reboot to recovery mode on Windows 10 (This will work only if you have a recovery drive on your hard-disk) Step 1) Restart your laptop . Step 2) Press F11 key repeatedly and wait till this page opens.               In case F11 is not working for you , try using Esc key on your desktop and then select                recovery  options. Step 3)   After this you will see this screen .               Click on recovery manager to access the recovery features for your PC.               This screen may differ for different variants .  Step 4)   Click on troubleshoot.                 After this you will see this screen on your desktop. Ste...