FRAPP : Student Internships and Offers
If you are a student who wants to use an app which is build especially for you.
FRAPP is an app providing students various offers and internships , it’s in developing phase as of now.
First of all to begin with it ,you need to verify your student status on the frapp app , it means you have to first submit your ID proof as a student for this student centric app.
It is required to access various Student Offers, Discounts, Internships, Timetable Tracker, Freebies and many other benefits.With it students can get offers from e commerce , restaurants, taxi services etc.
Students can also get Internship opportunities at Startups, Music Festivals, Events, and Student fests which are cool workplaces for most of the students who want to be intern at a college or an event,rather than attending routine offices.
You can use the given codes to get discounts and offers.
The online offerings: You can find out discount coupons for all your favourite Indian online stores and brands including Uber, GoIbibo,Yepme,Faasos, Redwolf, Holachef, OLA and many more!
How to get an Internship via frapp:
Apply for the start ups :
Intern with cool start ups in your city such as - Enchanted Valley Carnival, MuseJam, Classhopr, Unacademy, Dunkin Donuts, Squadrun, Tars, Dreamsportsfields and Seva and many more!
Start working as intern in these organisations and build your CV with work experience you accumulate at the startups.
Not only this, you also get stipend and many perks.
Frapp is an app which really makes student life rewarding and fun!
Frapp is :
- A simple app that helps you to build your CV and form experiences to last a lifetime!
- A simple app that brings you exciting offers and discounts
- A simple app to look out for student events
- A simple app to save your college timetable
- A simple app to manage your attendance,so you know which classes you can bunk
- A simple app to apply to internships
- A simple app to get student kits designed for you
Play Store rating :
Got a lot of friends :
It also provides rewards for referrals .
Rewards include Digital student kits .
For eg. This one offers templates for your business card and email signature
Student testimonials:
If you are a student looking for internships and offers and timetable, attendance management system and many features in one,you should blindly go for it.
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